The following post includes research from experimental psychology, environmental medicine, and other fields addressing visual attention, visual search, and experimental design.
Journal Articles
Phillips, K., Longden, M. J., Vandergraff, B., Smith, W. R., Weber, D. C., McIntosh, S. E., & Wheeler III, A. R. (2014). Wilderness search strategy and tactics. Wilderness & environmental medicine, 25(2), 166-176.
Penn, R. A. (2020). Getting a Clue: Does Instruction Improve Search Performance Outside of the Laboratory? (M.A. Thesis, New Mexico State University).
"Examining the effects of passive and active strategy use during interactive search for Lego bricks"
Hout, M. C., White, B., Madrid, J., Godwin, H., & Scarince, C. (2021). Examining the effects of passive and active strategy use during interactive search for lego bricks. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied.
Riggs, C. A., Cornes, K., Godwin, H. J., Liversedge, S. P., Guest, R., & Donnelly, N. (2017). The importance of search strategy for finding targets in open terrain. Cognitive research: principles and implications, 2(1), 1-17.
Riggs, C. A., Godwin, H. J., Mann, C. M., Smith, S. J., Boardman, M., Liversedge, S. P., & Donnelly, N. (2018). Rummage search by expert dyads, novice dyads and novice individuals for objects hidden in houses. Visual Cognition, 26(5), 334-350.
Academic Journals Relating to Search and Rescue
Robert Koester's Journal of Search and Rescue
Rebecca- the search strategy (2017) article links to the Rummage article FYI